Service Schedule January - March 2025

Services are also available livestream if you are not able to join us in person.

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Saturday, February 8

Inquirers Class  5:00 pm

Great Vespers and Holy Confessions  6:00 pm

Sunday, February 9 - Sunday of the Publican and Pharisee

Orthros  9:00 am - Divine Liturgy  10:00 am

Sunday, February 16 - Sunday of the Prodigal Son

Reader's Service 10:00 am

Sunday, February 23 - Judgment Sunday (Meatfare)

Orthros  9:00 am - Divine Liturgy  10:00 am

Friday, March 7 - First Friday of Lent

Salutations to the Theotokos  6:00 pm

Saturday, March 8 - Saturday of Souls

Orthros  9:00 am - Divine Liturgy and Memorial Service  10:00 am

Cemetery Visits

Great Vespers and Holy Confessions  6:00 pm

Sunday, March 9 - Sunday of Orthodoxy

Orthros  9:00 am - Divine Liturgy  10:00 am

Pan-Orthodox Vespers - TBD

Monday, March 10 - Second Monday of Lent

Great Compline  6:30 pm

Sunday, March 16 - Sunday of St. Gregory Palamas

Reader's Service  10:00 am

Wednesday, March 19 - Third Wednesday of Lent

Presanctified Divine Liturgy  6:30 pm

Sunday, March 23 - Sunday of the Holy Cross

Orthros  9:00 am - Divine Liturgy  10:00 am

Friday, April 4 - Fifth Friday of Lent

Presanctified Divine Liturgy  7:00 am

Akathist Hymn 6:00 pm

Saturday, April 5 - Commemoration of the Akathist Hymn

Orthros  9:00 am - Divine Liturgy  10:00 am

Great Vespers and Holy Confessions  6:00 pm

Sunday, April 6 - Sunday of St. Mary of Egypt

Orthros  9:00 am - Divine Liturgy  10:00 am